Five Reasons Why You Should Be Networking For Your Business

Networking events help local businesses make connections. If you want to achieve business growth, then networking amongst local business people will be a valuable contribution to your success.

At HB Accountants we organise and host networking events, as well as attending local groups. Are looking forward to getting back to face to face networking? We certainly are… our popular Networking Lunch, which we run to enable local business women to meet and do business, will be back soon. We are proud to assist Love Hoddesdon BID with their monthly Networking Breakfast too (again soon to start up post lockdown). We are also proud to organise a dedicated networking session for young professionals called SNAP Networking.

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HB Accountants’ History Chapter 1: Our Inception

As we celebrate our 100th birthday this year, we thought it would be fun to look back at the history of HB Accountants. Here’s Chapter 1 – our birth!

Our founders… welcome to the original Team HB, Mr Hardcastle and Mr Burton. Beevor de Vic Hardcastle, a first world war hero who was wounded in Arras, France in 1918, and Frederick William Burton, who served in the short-lived Accountancy Corps – first met as clerks. They decided to establish B de V Hardcastle Burton Co in New Bond Street, London on 5th February, 1921 but it didn’t take long for them to move to Coventry House, also in the City, and for Beevor to set up a satellite office in Northwood, near to his home.

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What does the ‘Roadmap to Recovery’ announced by Boris Johnson mean for my business?

The Prime Minister has announced the Government’s roadmap to reopening the economy entitled Covid-19 Response – Spring 2021. A copy of the full guidance is here

It introduced a 4 stage plan for reopening the economy starting on Monday 8th March with the reopening of schools and colleges. Then subsequent stages will follow at 5 week intervals provided the following four conditions are met at each stage before proceeding to the next one:

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Monitored CCTV camera system rolled out in Hoddesdon town centre

Did you know that a fully monitored CCTV camera system was recently installed in our wonderful Hoddesdon town centre? A joint project from the team behind the Hoddesdon BID Board Love Hoddesdon and Broxbourne Council now sees a total of 12 cameras covering most of the town centre area, which are monitored on a 24/7 basis, 365 days per year.

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If you haven’t claimed the third SEISS grant, the deadline for applications is fast approaching

Gov.UK have confirmed a fourth SEISS grant, which will run from February 2021 to April 2021, will be available for self-employed workers. Unfortunately, the Government is yet to provide further details about who can claim and how much help you can get under the fourth grant.

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#WeAreNext: Supporting our Hoddesdon Community – Your Town is close to our heart

Why HB Accountants are are proud to sponsor Your Town and are keen to spread the word about Your Town’s latest campaign #WeAreNext… the seed for Your Town was planted when Founder, Mark White, sent himself an email in 2011 with an idea for a running event that started and finished in his home town, and ours, of Hoddesdon, EN11 Hertfordshire.

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Confused about the COVID19 support grants available to you? Check out what is available, if you are eligible and how to apply here

This guide will help you understand the full range of business support measures that have been made available by the Government to help you and your business financially during Covid19. Plus find out how to access the support measures that have been made available (who is eligible) and how to apply.

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COVID19: Supreme Court backs small firms over business interruption insurance claims

The insurance industry and consumers throughout the UK have been waiting for today’s ruling since the early days of the COVID19 pandemic – the final ruling on the appeal of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s business interruption case. The Supreme Court livestreamed its judgement today, substantially allowing the FCA’s and the Hiscox Action Group (HAG)’s appeal and dismissing insurers’ appeals.

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