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Be Prepared – changes to furlough from July 2021

Furlough has been extended until 30 September 2021, however, the level of grant available to employers under The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is set to reduce from 1st July, 2021. This means that employers will need to ‘top up’ wages to ensure that their employees continue to receive 80% of their salary, capped at £2,500 per month.

Changes to the level of grant from 1 July 2021

From 1 July 2021, the level of grant given to businesses will be reduced on a sliding scale over three months until furlough ends on 30th September. This is a big change for many businesses who will now be paying a share of any furloughed staff wages.

To be eligible for the grant, employees must receive 80% of their wages per month, up to £2,500, although employers can top up employees’ wages above the 80% at their own expense.

The table below shows the level of government contribution available in the coming months, the required employer contribution assuming that employees are furloughed for 100% of their contracted time. Wage caps are proportional to the hours not worked, therefore for those on flexi-furlough these figures will need to be adjusted accordingly.

Government contribution: wages for hours not worked80% up to £2,50070% up to £2,187.5060% up to £1,87560% up to £1,875
Employer contribution wages for hours not workedNo10% up to £312.5020% up to £62520% up to £625
For hours not worked employee receives80% up to £2,500 per month80% up to £2,500 per month80% up to £2,500 per month80% up to £2,500 per month

If you want to discuss furlough or any aspect of your business finances, call us on 01992 444466. We’re experts ready to support you and your business, no matter your company size or sector.

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