This is the time to take a Business MOT

We’re part way through the Covid19 lockdown. Easter is over and at the time of writing, we do not know exactly when quarantine will be eased. As the days stretch before us business owners, who may or may not be currently trading, there is time for many to give your company a MOT: to get prepared for the future, whatever this may bring.

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COVID19: Furloughing – Holiday Pay and Annual Leave Guidance

The government have finally given some further guidance on how annual leave and holiday pay will work with furloughed employees, albeit that it was released after close of business on Friday, and only in the guidance notes for employees, so you would be forgiven for missing it.

Here are some of the questions that  have been answered:

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COVID19: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: step by step guide for employers

The Government has issued a Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Step by Step guide for employers. This guide explains the information that employers need to provide to claim for their employees’ wages.

The step by step guide will take you through five sections:

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COVID19: Furloughing period extended to 30 June 2020

The government have confirmed today that they are extending the period that employees can be furloughed to the end of June. The chancellor has also stated that this period could be extended further. If the lock down restrictions are lifted at the end of May this would allow some businesses to start trading by un-furloughing some staff whilst keeping others on  furlough and have a couple of months of trading before salaries are to be met in full or other action taken. Alternatively, it may be an indication of the lock down period being extended once again.  

Please also remember that the HMRC portal goes live on Monday

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UK Tax Rates for 2020/2021

HB Accountants have produced a Tax Card which summarises many of the rates and allowances fundamental to your business and personal lives. We are sure that you will find it a useful point of reference throughout the coming tax year.

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COVID19: URGENT update Job Retention Scheme qualifying date has changed

Change to qualifying start date for employees – The government have given further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS). The qualifying date, when the employee has to have been on the employer’s payroll, has changed from 28th February to 19th March 2020.

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COVID19: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) online portal opens for claims on 20 April 2020

HMRC announced plans this week to open the online Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) service on Monday 20 April – the first claims due to be paid 10 days later. File-only and payroll bureaus will be omitted from claiming.

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COVID19: Financial help available for self-employed individuals – what you need to know

COVID19 Update: 7th April 2020 – We have outlined some clarifications for you regarding the financial help available if you are a self-employed individual – Self-Employment Income Support Scheme – here is what you need to know:

What you need to know

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