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COVID19: NHS workers are exempt from IHT (Inheritance Tax) if killed by Covid19

Emergency services workers, including members of the NHS, are exempt from paying Inheritance Tax if they die from COVID19.

Death is a horrible subject to tackle at any time but during the COVID19 pandemic NHS workers do need to be made aware of this tax exemption and seek professional advice or risk paying the standard inheritance tax.

“Existing legislation applies where if emergency personnel die from an injury sustained, accident occurring, or disease contracted at a time when that person was responding to emergency circumstances, they are exempt from paying IHT”

The legislation is in IHTA1984 section 153A and Finance Act 2015 section 75.

John Neighbour – Director at HB Accountants

Who is exempt from IHT

Emergency personnel include those providing medical, ambulance or paramedic services – originally the exemption was aimed at members of the armed forces whose death was caused or hastened by an injury whilst on active service.

Not having to pay the standard IHT will never ever make up for the loss of a family member, but it is a small acknowledgement of the amazing sacrifice that health care workers are making every single day during this COVID19 crisis.

Team HB would like to say a huge thank to all the NHS workers and all essential workers especially during this horrible time.

We hope this information helps you and we are here for you during this difficult time. We will continue to keep you updated as the Government releases new information. Our business contingency plan is in place and we will do everything we can to support our clients during this uncertain period, please do not hesitate to contact us here if you have any concerns or queries.

Visit our COVID19 Business Hub for more information

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