Why Resilience is a critical quality that we all need to develop

According to legend, Thomas Edison made thousands of prototypes of the light bulb before he finally got it right. Yet despite dealing with ‘failure’ throughout his life he never let it get the better of him. “I have not failed. … Continue reading

JUST ONE REASON – The Power of Professional Relationships

Successful businesses depend upon strong relationships. Whether internally, with clients, investors, other stakeholders or even competitors, a network developed on deep relationships will open doors for you, refer you and will support you in whatever ways you need. 

HB Accountants – how to choose an accountant and tax specialist

Quite often we hear “I am a business owner but my company finances are not the first thing I think about when I get out of bed in the morning!”  We get this! That’s why we’re here!

COVID19: What you can do to help your business/sole trade through the Coronavirus crisis

The question echoing throughout Hertfordshire, Essex and businesses throughout the UK during these testing times is “What can you do to help your business/sole trade through the COVID-19 crisis?” – HB Accountants are here to help you.