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Quarantine Team Members – Know the Facts

There have been a number of flare-ups of Covid19 across the world in recent weeks which has seen the Government imposing further restrictions at short notice on travellers. As of 8 June anyone who is required to quarantine must comply unless they are exempt from the rules.

Some people returning to the UK must self-isolate (or ‘quarantine’) for 14 days, depending on the country they’ve travelled from. This could include returning from:
a holiday
other personal travel, for example a family emergency
business travel
They must return to their home immediately after entering the UK and remain there for 14 days. They cannot go to work, shop for food or go outside for exercise.

Who does not have to self isolate

  • If you are travelling from one of the countries or territories listed on the Government website That is because these countries and territories are either
  • covered by the travel corridor exemption
  • within the common travel area – Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man
  • British overseas territories
  • You will need to self-isolate if you visited or made a transit stop in a country or territory that is not on the list in the 14 days before you arrive in England
  • This applies to all travel to England, by train, ferry, coach, air or any other route

Example of when you need to self-isolate

  • You are in a country that is not on the travel corridor exempt list. You travel to a country that is on the list and you stay there for 4 days from the day after you arrive. You then travel to England
  • When you get to England, you will need to self-isolate for 10 days, not the usual 14 days. That is because you have spent 4 of the 14 days in a country that is on the exempt list

Transit stops

A transit stop is a stop where passengers can get on or off. It can apply to coaches, ferries, trains or flights. Travel ticket should show if a stop is a transit stop. If a journey involves a transit stop in a country not on the list, employees will need to self-isolate when they arrive in England if:

  • New passengers get on
  • The employee or other passengers get off the transport and mix with other people, then get on again
  • Employees do not need to self-isolate beyond normal timescales if, during a transit stop in a non-exempt country:
  • No new passengers get on
  • No-one on-board gets off and mixes with people outside
  • Passengers get off but do not get back on

Implications of quarantine 

  • Do employees have to tell employers if they are quarantining?
  • Can staff be asked to work from home during quarantine?
  • What about staff who can’t work from home?
  • Do staff who are self-isolating receive full pay?
  • Can you ban staff travel?
  • Can employers cancel holiday leave already authorised to prevent staff travelling abroad?
  • Should employers have a Covid19 related travel policy?
  • Can employers dismiss someone if they can’t return to work because they are in quarantine?

We are delighted to be able to offer a FREE webinar to help answer all your quarantine questions in collaboration with our friends at Curwens Solicitors. They have offices in Hoddesdon and Royston, in Hertfordshire, and Enfield, in Middlesex.

Huge thanks to Kaajal Nathwani for the information contained within this blog.

Kaajal will be presenting: Know the Facts – Quarantined Team Members on Wednesday 2nd September from 2.30pm


Click the link below if you would like to attend for free.

Please register me for Quarantined Team Members Webinar

In the meantime, do remember that the HB Accountants Covid Hub is jam packed with lots of useful information and links no matter your business size or sector. You can access this here.  Alternatively, if you need bespoke advice or would like to spend your SME grant on financial support, please feel free to contact the team on 01992 444466.

We’re accountants for business and we’re here to help your business grow.

Our Covid19 hub is still available to any business that needs accounting support and our team is on hand for bespoke consultations.

Visit our COVID19 Business Hub for more information

HB Accountants are accountants for business. For financial and accounting guidance and support, please contact Keith or Karen. We’re still working hard to help you make the right decisions.

Or call 01992 444466 or email for help. We look forward to hearing from you. 

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The information contained above is for general guidance purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the contents are accurate, please note that each individual has different circumstances and it is essential that you seek appropriate professional advice before you act on any of the information contained herein. HB Accountants can accept no liability for any errors or omission or for any person acting on or refraining from acting on the information provided in the above

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