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Skills, Learning and Employment Opportunities – HB attend Broxbourne Council’s Local Strategic Skills Partnership Workshop

Many businesses have vacancies for new staff at the moment but filling the roles is not as straight forward as simply finding a person. Businesses need to employ people with skills: the right skills for a particular industry or business task. Many industries are facing a skills shortage so the spotlight is now on understanding which specific skills local Broxbourne businesses need so that any gaps may be highlighted. This will allow local education organisations to provide the right courses to young people and local residents with the ultimate aim of opening up future employment opportunities. 

Late last year, Karen Chase, our Director and skills lead for Love Hoddesdon Business Improvement District, was invited to speak about the recruitment challenges and opportunities for small businesses based in and around Broxbourne. She joined Dominique Unsworth from Resource Productions, who attended on behalf of Sunset Studios, the new Hollywood studios being built in Broxbourne next year, at The Local Strategic Partnership – a conglomerate of private and public community-based organisations.

Karen and Dominique raised awareness of the current skills gap from the point of view of local businesses as well as the potential opportunities that will be available in the near future, such as at the new studio development. Representatives from Hertfordshire Regional College, Hertfordshire University and local schools shared information about the existing provision and were open about where there is room for improvement. The work is ongoing but it is clear that everyone wants to help to upskill and support local people to develop new and important skills.

I am proud that my business is a training firm. At HB we are excited to support our apprentices and to see our apprentices supporting each other too. All apprentices are considered part of the team, joining us at every event, meeting clients and jojning in with charity and community work to give them every opportunity to develop their skill set to the max

Karen Chase | director | HB Accountants

What skills shortages are you facing?

Local businesses and partners were invited to get involved by adding their voice to the Hertfordshire Local Skills Improvement Plan, currently being developed by the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce. Did you share your thoughts? Get in touch here and help to influence the future. The information supplied will help identify the skills needs for Broxbourne and the wider county for the short, medium and long-term.

HB Accountants are accountants who care about our community. If you would like to talk to us about looking after your personal or business tax or accountancy needs, call us on 01992 444466. We’re experts ready to support you and your business, no matter your company size or sector.

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