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John Neighbour is retiring after 45 years with HB Accountants

A letter from our former Tax Director, now Tax Consultant,
Mr John Neighbour

I joined HB in September 1976 from Thomson McLintock (now part of KPMG) in order to set up a tax department.  At that time, we were based in London at Coventry House near Liverpool Street Station.  45 years & 4 office moves later, we are now based at Plumpton House in Hoddesdon. Over the past few years, I have been winding down my time commitments & at present I am typically working about two days per week. At the same time my tax manager, Amy Thompson, has been taking on more responsibility. 

As I approach my 80th birthday (in August 2022), I feel that the time is right for me to step back more or less completely from everyday involvement &, with effect from 1 April 2022, I plan to cease coming into the office on a regular basis. I will still remain as a consultant on an ad hoc basis & will continue to be fully supportive of the business & available on call as necessary. I can honestly say that there has hardly ever been a day when I was reluctant to go into the office & I would like to thank my partners & team members over the years for making my office life so enjoyable. 

Our wonderful Tax Yoda, John Neighbour, will be retiring end March, but will remain available and will consultant for us – Happy Retirement John from all at HB Accountants

Above all, I would like to thank our HB clients who, as well as paying our wages, have been an interesting, challenging and, by and large, cheerful bunch.  I will miss them but wish them well in the future, secure in the knowledge that they will still be in very capable hands.

John Neighbour – HB Accountants

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2 thoughts on “John Neighbour is retiring after 45 years with HB Accountants

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