How Long Do I Have To Live In A Property To Get Tax Relief When Selling It?

Principal Private Residence (PPR) relief can wipe out or significantly reduce the tax you owe when selling your home. A Principal Private Residence (PPR) is a house or apartment which you own and occupy as your only, or main, residence.

There isn’t a simple answer so speak to your tax adviser. You must prove that you intended to make it your permanent residence.

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Our Festive Season Opening Times

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from your dedicated accountants and tax advisors in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire! As the festive season approaches, we express our sincere gratitude for partnering with us for your financial requirements throughout the year, or for purely for popping over to visit our site.

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Accounting For Beginners – All You Need To Know About Profit And Loss

Understanding whether a business is profitable or not is fundamental to the success of the business. If you are a business owner, you need to know what to do to maximise your profits or whether there are areas that need more attention. This is why regularly creatin and understanding your Profit and Loss (P&L) is so important.

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Sole Trader vs Limited Company – which is right for your business?

Whether you’re just considering a new business idea or already transact as a sole trader, you may wonder if incorporating your business – that is becoming a Limited Company –  is right for you. In order to know the answer, you need to research the differences between the two structures, and we highly recommend speaking to your accountant, as there will be tax implications.

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A Benefit-In-Kind: Are you clear about what they are and what you need to do about them?

Benefits-in-kind can feel like a minefield for business owners. In this blog we will tell you what you need to know, what you need to do, and show that it is possible to reward your team for doing a brilliant job without being taxed for it!

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A New Beginning at HB Accountants: Sophie’s Journey as a Business Administration Apprentice

I’m delighted to introduce you to Sophie, the latest addition to our HB Accountants team. Sophie has joined Team HB as a Business Administration apprentice. It’s been only two days, but Sophie’s enthusiasm and positive vibes are already making an impact

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Driven to start up a new charity? This is what you need to know about your legal and tax obligations!

There are over 400,000 charities in the UK working hard to benefit different segments of society.  You may be aware of a gap in provision and have the passion and drive to start up a new charity. This is what you need to do to establish your charity and the laws that govern charities in the UK.

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